Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Leaning In

I've created this blog for one reason:

My medical school journey. 

I applied late into the 2015 cycle.  End of September late.

I have a 3.9 GPA in Cell & Molecular Biology but my MCAT was less than stellar- a mediocre 24.

I had one interview to the University of New Mexico in late November but found out in March I was not accepted.

I was crushed.  When I say crushed- I mean a pain almost on the same level as when my mom was dying.

This may sound dramatic to you, but to me it was honestly that painful.  It took about 2 months to get my act together again.  

Last cycle I did not lean into one program.  I spread myself equal amongst all programs.  I didn't care where I went as long as I went.

This year is different.  I am leaning in.  I'm making active choices.  The 2016 cycle is going to be different for me.

I am leaning into a Caribbean Medical School.

I am leaning into the American University of the Caribbean Medical School in St. Maarten.  
I have done more research on this school than I have done in the entire Medical Profession because I was so worried about the lackluster reputation foreign medical schools have.

I attended webinars.
Talked with Admissions counselors.
Talked with Alumni.
Talked with recently matched residents.
Read USMLE stats.
Read matched stats.
Read Benji Ho's endless amounts of wisdom.
Talked to other admissions offices at the SGU, Ross, and Saba. 

With that being said, here are the reasons I have chosen a foreign medical school as my top choice even though I am still applying to US schools:

1. Is ACGME accredited so I can practice in all 50 states.
2. Title IV - can receive US Federal Loans
3. Small class sizes: ~100-200 students.
4. Looks at the applicant as a holistic approach; not just test scores.
5. I will live 2 years in a foreign country learning of different cultures and new ways of life.
6. I will live the last 2 years back in the US during my clinical years.
7. In 40 years when I look back at my life, I do not think I would ever regret exploring.
8. Time scheduled into the semesters to study for USMLE's and their classes are scoring the USMLE's I hope to get as well.
9. Effectively match people into all fields I'm currently interested in.

I've submitted most of my materials to AUC already.  All I am waiting for is my grades to be posted to send in my last transcripts.  

If everything goes the way I am wanting, I would be starting in January.

I opted for January because I wanted a few months to get life together, Cody to be able to walk at his graduation, and spend some time with our family.  

If I get into AUC, that is where we will be going.  If I don't, we will just have to see what else happens.

After a year of not making any really choices or decisions and just waiting for something to come up, I am leaning in.  I'm choosing a path.